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Monday, 14 March 2016

Super Green Juice (aka My Rosacea Juice)

When it comes to skin conditions, doctors are always quick to hand out creams and antibiotics and a lot of us spend hours searching the internet for 'miracle cures.'
I was this person... 
What I soon came to realise is that majority of the time there isn't any cream or tablet that is suddenly going to clear my rosacea overnight and that sometimes by going back to basics and giving your body the fuel it needs in the form of fruit and vegetables can have a huge affect.

For me, I have found that juicing in the mornings really does help calm my rosacea, while also giving my body almost all of its 5 a day before I've even started work!

So below is my 'go to' juice of choice, full of goodness and and anti-inflammatories, to help my body heal from within.


Green Apple

Firstly grab some ice and place into your glass of choice.

Cut your apple and carrots in half and place into a colander, take about 4cms of ginger and cut away the outside skin,place this in the colander with the apple and carrot.

Give these 3 ingredients a good rinse in cold water.

Starting with the apple push through the juicer, followed by the carrot and ginger. I like to put the ginger through together with the carrot as due it to being quite small the carrot helps push it through.

Next take a couple of big handfuls of spinach and about 5cms of cucumber and wash this with cold water in the colander.

Add all the spinach along with the cucumber to the juicer and push through simultaneously,

Finally cut your lime in half and squeeze into your juice by hand, give the green goodness a good stir and enjoy!!!

Tip - If you want your juice to be a nit more 'warming' just add more ginger.

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